

Bridges are the ultimate spanning structures with far-reaching dimensions that can cross a variety of obstacles and create new pathways for different forms of traffic. For its products, Poralu Bridge has chosen to use aluminum, a material that possesses many remarkable properties that make it one of the key resources in modern construction, particularly in bridge design for road and rail transport.


Aluminum is particularly resistant to aging and continued exposure to the elements. For uses involving large spans, aluminum offers the same capabilities as steel. Numerous alloys have been perfected, which provide optimal performance over time for such intensive uses as road and rail bridges. Our products can withstand extreme temperatures (from -40° C to +50° C) and the weather hazards found in cyclone-prone areas (typhoons, cyclones) or places that experience harsh winters (ice, snow).



Durable and low maintenance, our aluminum structures are not vulnerable to oxidization. In fact, aluminum naturally generates an oxide layer that protects against corrosion and requires no painting or additional coating. They need virtually zero maintenance during their first fifty years in use, and their lifespan is endless.



Aluminum bridges are lightweight while also being long lasting and inexpensive. Aluminum structures are fifty per cent lighter than those made of steel and they have a higher resistance-to-weight ratio than the traditional construction solution of bridges with concrete decks and steel structures. Aluminum considerably reduces the structure’s permanent load and at the same time increases its resistance capabilities to high-impact road and rail traffic. These same properties make aluminum products easier and cheaper to transport and install.


Analysing the entire lifecycle of aluminum bridge structures shows that they are more competitive than steel structures. When looking at the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), our aluminum products are significantly more effective :

TCO = acquisition cost + transport cost + installation cost (reduced) + maintenance cost (nearly non existent) + end-of-lifecycle cost (aluminum is endlessly recyclable).


Our engineering and design offices are specialised in developing stylish bridges that are optimised for all forms of traffic and crossings. Our metallic structures and elegant railings are designed to fit into all layout styles and surrounding structures. Our design processes and products meet all international standards and regulations.
Our expertise and experience allow us to offer a ten-year guarantee.

Standards for footbridge design

  • AS5100 Bridge design
  • AS1664 Aluminum structure design
  • AASHTO Bridge and footbridge design
  • BS5400 Bridge construction
  • CAN/CSA S6 06 Bridge design standards
  • CAN/CSA S157 Resistance of aluminum designs
  • EN1998 Structural design, seismic loads
  • EN1999 Structural design, aluminum structures

Performance standards

  • AS1665 Welding of aluminum structures
  • AWS D1.2 Welding of aluminum structures
  • AWS D1.2 Welding of aluminum structures
  • CAN/CSA W59.2 Welded aluminum construction
  • EN1090 3 Construction of aluminum structures
  • PD6705 3 Recommendations for the construction of aluminum structures

Standards concerning the vibration behaviour of footbridges

  • Setra technical guide
  • BS5400
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